Saturday, January 23, 2010


I have always enjoyed writing down what people say...collecting them in black books with drawings and now i am finally going to transcribe these quotes from 2006 to the present. I'll put dates and names if i can find them...

here it goes:

"Poodie!" - Kenny's Mom August 2006.
"You are as black as this page"
"j'splun"- Ling 2006
"I would marry them"Kenny 2006
"Thats my line!"-JOn 2006
"Make them both good"
"I cant make magic my friends"-Jason Love Juice engineer summer 06'
"take your time baby"-AJ
"Right after the crazy part!"-Jon
"You did save me trying to kill you"-Jason
"What the Fuck!?...ah...i did that."-Jason
"i like fun"- AJ
"it felt felt good yeah." Kenny

"Turn it up so loud so thats all you hear"-kenny
"you dont know anything besides how to play drums" -kenny 06'

"you only live once right? I hope so."- Daniel
"Realism is not practical....well sometimes"

set list February 2007

1.Maelstrom.-introduce whaf 2. Cant make magic 3. You call that a revolution 4. Ask us ask me. 5. Reliability. 6. Clouds.

Car ride to San Felipe 2007?

"If i dont come back alive...i love you?"
"Im sad. She is said its too late"
"Crazy guy communication"
"Apparently everything is in Kilometers here"- Mitch
"Were in different country and it looks the exact same"
"That is actually a good black person song"- Emily?
"Are you guys feeding eachother?"
"Felipe really is spelled with an F"
"You got a bed?"
"This is the best song"
"Thats why you are yelling at me? because i'm notching!"-Daniel
"Oh Mexico is so fun"
"Lazy cows" matt Johnson?
"Evidence department"-
"Oh i just cant wait"- E?
"Do you really want to talk to me about physical science right now?!"-Mitch
"Cause you're on that next level of notch!"
"When i listen to rap, i gotta make an ugly face"-Matt Johnson
"There is a big giant fucking alligator!"- Daniel.


Ride trip to Barstow.

"how'd i get behind the drivers seat?!" Jon
"IS it really fucking 7?"- Jon
"is this really thrice?" -Vanessa
"Oh garlic! I love garlic"-Kenny
"French los' fingers"- Tim HIll
"And i wrote her back and i was like...Salad!"- Megan
"Why would they paint it so many colors??" Marlene
"look at this packaging!"
"What kind of name is Miccan?" Jon
"What time should we call Duck Duck Goose?"-AJ

1-18-2009...i was really drunk writing all this and it is terrible writing..

"You best believe its right!
"I want to be Hulk Hogan of the World!"
"The fifth"
"mmmm that sounds good"
"Especially with my family"
"I feel like he is mad at me"
"Dont cry like a retard"-Tim Hill
"You are making me for reals"
"I dont want to feel intouch with you"
"My emotions are freaking out"
"You are going to be the coolest kid in school"
"She cant even read right now"
"I want to marry you"
"its like the squid at Myagis"
"Dont try to be my friend right now"
"We got to call and let them know."
"It just comes to my brain"
"Pussy we fucking raging tonight"-Tim Hill
"It sounded like a Banshee" Monica?
"Aye, we got these shots we havent taken"

"I want to fall in love with the songs before i meet them"

"Your a pot head, its okay...cause i am"
"If you dont know these are hits you dont know shit"
"WHo knows who Cat Power is?"
"Maybe we need an x-Box 360 & some weed"
"i've never had these before in my life"
"you want to cry dont you?"

"That'd be tight if he said Tim Hill"
"Dont be a dumb sorority girl right now" Tim Hill
"People are making amazing music out there we just need to take it in" Daniel
"You're in the zone arent you?"
"Im still gonna rage"
"You can only rage as strong as you're going to rage"- David Torres
"WE dont compete here"
"You know what it is lately, its being comfortable with my hunger"

"The only food you got is what they gave you in the ..."
"No on Oprah its real"
"You know the government is giving people I.O.U's"
"Man if you call his name one more time, im going to fuck you up"
"Interacting with someone"
"Then you are a fat bitch!"
"Frank Sinatra of our time"
"you dont throw shit"

"Common sense is not a good way to go about thins"

"Believe what? That you're a fat bitch?"
"Soul inner part of who you are. What does that mean?"
"Its held on another universe"
"Im saying my opinion"
"Due to the Bill of Rights"
"Its over my head"
"I thought that i heard you laughing..." Michael Stipe

"My grandpa is all up in technology"- Daniel
"My grandpa who dropped out of the 3rd grade has a cell phone"- Daniel
"Imma tell you something special right now"
"Its like your stamp on life...a good stamp"

"Shut your trap" "That made perfect sense to me"
"Your bleeding and its running down my carpet"
"Leave Charles Lee Ray alone"
"I have to leave cause i might kill someone"
"You were powerful"
"Raging BUll"

"Hair cut in mexico?...Bad Idea"
"I didnt take a dump"
"Get with the program Berks!"
"its one of those non-talking songs"


"I think she likes me, i think we should get drunk. Watch how easily love rolls off the tip of my tongue. You may think im joking now but eventually she'll make her way next to me on this couch..."

"i hope she raises her hand in class, so i have a reason to stare"

11:35am Jan 23, 2009

Can you come again? i dont think we can make it alone. Not again. i regret those moments and we are taking this too seriously. I'll go first...
"Take another drink and think about where we are & where we planned to be"
"Without alcohol its never been this easy...its better done than said, better said than read"

Is this it? I've lived half my life knowing in here, im just an Actor and the camera man died years ago. I've lived half my life knowing that money means more than me.
Is this is it, i'll never say sorry again.


I never gave you permission to pass judgment on me.i gave you plenty of oppourtunities to leave me alone.So go ahead and make those eyes pout your lips and cry a fucking river becaue im sailing across im sailing across.

Octavio, Tim, Lucio, Me

"Sounds about right"
"Its going to be like Fear n Loathing"
"When you wake up you're probably going to be dead"
"It was epic dude"
"I never seen him rage..."
"it upset him"
"im in a successful southern California rock band"
"This isn't a game anymore!"
"We'll be all raged out"
"thats a big dog aye"

"he lost a lot of weight. He was huge!"
"Dude. He raged himself to death" Lucio on Chris Farley
"What you bitching out on what i signed you up to do?"
"Now please shut the fuck up and drink two beers"

"We never wanted him to be DJ in the first place!"
"Im going to send mitch..R.I.P"
"I dont want Tim to go with me"
"I want to sleep tonight"
"I think i love my wife"
"It must be Neal Diamond"
"That why i Fucked your bitch you fat mother fucker"

"Let me live here!"
"People from Cochella Valley dont take them...."

"I would say that one of my greatest fears is having parts of my body stop working because im fucking old. At this point in my life i dont fear much, but getting old really frightens me."- Daniel

"i've had girls who were tight with a wet ass pussy...This girl was loose with a wet ass oatmeal in a hallway" Todd Wilcox


"i know your dad's dick better than you"- Lucio
"I said Eileen what the fuck happened?"
"but i'm like you man...I like you"
"It just d'matters (depends & matters) if you have a good heart" Lucio

"have you seen that commercial where the 1 year olds know how to Read!?!...babies were reading!"
"Aye bitch, you want to drink or not?"

"Timothy Dyke William Hill"

"AJ, finger her...then give me drugs"-Kenny
"Man them Aphis...they're something else."- Todd Wilcox
"Its like what to me now"
"I think that's why people didn't like me for the most part...because i was too honest"- Todd Wilcox

"I dont want a love. I just want to be seen in the back of your car"- Morrissey


"Once I get H.I.V...I'll get baptized" Lucio
"You just said you're aunts fuckable!"
"EX is fucking up everything..."

"AC? Are you fucking crazy? You dont pay any bills!"-Monica
"I dont know Los' is trying to be a dick, right now"
"Dude im not going to lie...shit is nasty"
"I dont stay up late nights for you"

"Who the fuck just farted and walked by us?"
"CJ is my favorite bro cause he is the only one not talking to me"
"He works out all the time and i dont so who's the loser?"- Kenny

"Get a fucking brain scarecrow!" lUcio
"Apes are like humans...if you stare at them they get WTF are you staring at?!"- Kenny
7-15-2009- trip to Formal...

"Remember that kid from WalMart...who was crying and the lady was dragging him?...that was the amber alert"- Kenny

"I got hair everywhere...Im a hairy fuck"-kenny
"My motor skills are fucked"-
"Are those onions or are those tomatoes?"

"Michael Jackson's dick smells like baby shit"- Daniel

1-10-2009- Lucio, Tim, Kenny, David, Daniel, Monica

"You should have been writing earlier when i said i was going to light Eric Schwartz on Fire"
"Who's counting"
"Meat wad why did i name him that?"-Lucio

"Nothing against that but im just sayin'"
"Better question why dont we ALL have a mustache"
"Hairspray takes it off"
"He just wants to do good"
"Bro, youre like Lucas status"

"Demo's are for pieces of shit who can't play live"-kenny
"I made lemonade last my house...when i was really trashed"- Kenny
"They'll believe anything to"
"Cause i got rid of that bitch"
"This is all in a five minute conversation"

"Sleep is a waste of time"-Lucio
"I got to talk to you about the syllabus"

the next night...

"Drugs are for winners"
"I wrote a song about Johnny Walker"
"Have you ever taken a shot and got the goosebumps right after?"

"Lets drink some gasoline"
"Its fucking...I dont know"

"Have i been Tyler longer?"- Lucio
"Making out is nothing until you do it in the butt"- Kenny


"She was a real feminist bitch"
"If i find you i'll let you know"
"It keeps it cold Tim, so fuck you"
"yep that was it, the story"
"Oh shit this is the jam right here"

"Her butthole in your mouth brought that up"
"You going to do it all the time"

"Kenny is always pissing somewhere"
"I was like, oh alright i'll call her"
"we have fucking superior equipment"- Kenny
"im stronger than a man"- Kenny
"Im from Rialto, I dont give a shit"- Lucio
"I still cant fucking get it in here"


"you are not 12 and you're not 50 so go for it"- Mica

"What does that say about my image, people automatically think i cheat"-Lucio
"Sorta yea"
"He probably ate something"
"Im guessting the females are the ones that aren't colorful"-Kenny
"I wish i was in that party right there"- Kenny

"Drink your beer in one drink...yours is much larger than mine"
"I lost my virginity when i was 12"-Kenny
"Ever lie so much you believe it?"-Lucio
"They just filmed him and left"-Daniel

"I wish to consume your juices"-kenny
"I love fire alright"


"no im not listening regaurdless"
"Out of all the nights"
"Can we just go"
"What am i supposed to do?"
"I would love to go to Angels Road House"


"Didnt the vacuum join them at one moment?"
"E.t. has a glowing piece of bacon for a dick"-Daniel

"Did you hear i punched a little girl in the face today? went SMACK right in her fucking face...she starts wailing and im just standing there like OH FUCK"- Kenny

"Bring one for this Origami Princess"
"I'm waiting for Ho'Faces"
"Hey we were dancin' were writing"
"I dont do that sht man"
"Its cool brom you can play guitar its not like were watching a movie or anything" Lucio

"Will you tell me whats wrong?"
"I dont even have your number dude"
"Im glad thats gone, what a buzzkill man"
"That just a used bottle with a stickers"

"Would it be cock blocking if i sat there?"
"They stick cameras up your asshole just to look at things"

"i really dont care about the beer I drink me...thats not the point, I just want to get drunk"-Daniel
"Your a human retard"


"what is going on?! the devil is alive!"
"Im on fire for Jesus i'm running"
"Last year this time, I was on drugs...the devil was trying to work me!"
"The devil wants us to stay down"
"All i could think about was Jesus before Pilot...all i could do is cry and pray"

"I cant eat, I cant have ruined me"

Memorial Day 5-25-2009

"i got 7 on it"
"Thats your punishment, you cannot have any of my beer"Kenny
"Rage doesnt look both ways"- JOn
"We are champions of the world"
"If you suck my asshole only seeds will come out"
"Im going 75 in the slow lane faggot"-Jon
"Look you guys I got some green apple smirnoff"


"you guys know i dont kiss and tell right?...I fucked her in the ass"Daniel

"If you graduated in four didnt rage in college, you didnt get the college experience"- CJ

" CJ-Sorry i couldnt rage with you guys i was in San Diego.
Daniel-Yeah man what the fuck was that about!
Cj- My grandpa died.
Daniel- oh...sorry."

"There is this white line where i work and when the kids act up i say 'walk that line' gets hot outside too"- Carlos

"You know this used to be Mexico?" CJ

"I just want people to NEED me like people want money"-Daniel
"How come i only have friends at night?"

"You think the blacks had it bad? What do you say to a Native?"

"Talk about a skinnie butthole"
"Dont sniff my vagina you floosy, you think i just let anyone down there" Lindsey


"Who's to say i wont partake in some prawn pussy?" Lucio
"it'll wake me up...I believe in the boatrace"
"Who took the back to Rachael Ray"
"Ruby didnt run away and make us look like fools!"- MOnica