Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What Hands Are For?

What are they? The strangest group of guys i've ever played with. I am amazed when we put songs together because of how much it does not make sense. We are alcoholic, college-bound, druggy, with over-the-top-humor, and a habit of being lazy. Yet, when we sit and write complete songs, you'd think the product was made by serious dudes with leather jackets and nice leather loafs. None of us understand how this works,but I think its what keeps us moving as a band. If we were making outrageously gay hardcore, or shitty post-punk music we would have noticed by now (or maybe not).
Loud Ass, to me was a good start, a well-rounded platform to jump into the music scene. It contained heavy pop elements, some screaming for the tough kids, and some unique composition. It could be played anywhere and was.
Now I know i'm tooting my own horn hear but I think it deserves to be fucking tooted. Our current CD "...please believe me." is set to release in the Fall and it sounds so absurd (in the good way). The songs flip the camera lens to the artist. The songs are reflective of who we are as individuals, and my infamous self-absorbed personality. I made a lot of religious references, a lot of "me" jokes, a lot of "your fucking band sucks, and robot music is gay references" and there is even a drinking'll enjoy.

I wish you could see my excited face I am making right now.


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